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insight >>> action <<< support

You can expect focused conversations that yield fresh insights and lay the foundation for targeted actions that address the core of your challenges.



Yellow Flowers




Insight is a deep and accurate understanding of something or someone.


Understanding the problem

The beginning of every coaching programme focuses on developing a deep understanding of the problem. We do so by exploring:

  • possible causes of the problem,

  • the context/s in which the problem arises,

  • how the problem is impacting you, your relationships, and your life, work or business, and

  • your current ways of responding to the problem.


Setting outcomes

Our next step is to set outcomes that offer solutions to the deep nature of the problem. We include what is currently working and what needs a different approach, or new knowledge and skills. The outcomes therefore incorporate:

  • your refined understanding of the problem,

  • how you can show up differently in relation to the problem,

  • possibilities and opportunities that were previously hidden or appeared impossible.


Once we've set the outcomes, you are ready to take action.




Action is a behaviour that is intentional and outcome-focused.


Intentional action

All actions within the coaching programme  are intentional.  The overall intention of action is to build and integrate the competencies you need to address both the present problem and future problems. Further, the actions you take will address your unique needs while applying universal principles and learnings from disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, and behavioural science, among others. Through intentional action, you change both the outcomes you experience and your self.


Focused action

The focus of action is more than a set of action steps. Rather, focused action within the context of the coaching programme merges externally-focused action with personal growth and development. Therefore, the types of action offered to you include opportunities to develop your internal world so that you can act more effectively in your external world. 


Types of action

Each action is customised according to the outcomes of your coaching programme. Some of the types of action I will offer you, are:

  • Self-observations: I create frameworks that enable you to reflect non-judgementally on what you do, think, feel and say on an ongoing basis. Through these reflections you further expand your insight into how you are showing up in relation to the problem, and in your life, relationships and broader context.

  • Knowledge exercises: I provide you with readings and written exercises that give you further tools to address the problem by expanding your knowledge and perspectives.

  • Practices: I design practices that build the competencies you need to overcome the problem. Practices equip you to change your behaviours and offer you expanded competencies you can apply to address the problem as it shows up within you, your relationships and contexts.


Action is more likely to yield positive outcomes if we are supported while acting. Therefore, it follows that support is a key ingredient in all effective coaching programmes.





Support is both an affirmation of a reality and a type of help.


Support that affirms reality

We sometimes experience conflict between our version of reality and the versions we are offered by others. Therefore, we need to be able to engage with others who will both help us develop accurate versions of reality, and support these accurate versions as we use them to define what must be done and how we must act differently to achieve our goals. Developing a refined and accurate version of reality is therefore a key sub-layer of all coaching programmes.


Support systems that help

The identification and development of support systems that help you make change happen and sustain it into the future is a key focus of all my coaching programmes.

  • Firstly, our coaching relationship offers you the compassionate and non-judgemental support you need to uncover new insights, define your outcomes and take the actions you need to realise those outcomes.

  • Secondly, you will discover how to offer yourself more support while developing the competencies you need to address the challenge. Indeed, the capacity to support yourself effectively is a key outcome of transformational coaching.

  • Thirdly, you will identify the types of support you need from others. We will explore and identify who can offer you that support in ways that both strengthen your relationships, and strengthen your capacity to make change happen and sustain it.


If this coaching methodology resonates with you, then reach out so we can set up a conversation to explore how I can support you. Alternatively, read more about the Options & Packages I offer.

What to Expect
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