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Yellow Flowers



I offer Depth, Focused and Power Coaching in individual sessions. 

I also offer Coaching Programmes that address key life and work challenges:

All coaching options are offered online via Zoom / MSTeams / Google Meet, or in-person in Cape Town.


Each coaching package bundles individual coaching sessions that provide for either Depth, Focused or Power Coaching or one of the Coaching Programmes​.

Depth Coaching Session
60 minutes 


Depth Coaching sessions allow us to explore in depth the personal or professional issue you bring to coaching, and how this is related to multiple areas of your life. In these sessions, we work with all aspects of your life that require support and change, by discovering and working with the underlying patterns, and designing solutions that you can action between sessions. Each session includes opportunities to:

  • Generate insight into the deep nature of the problem, and how it shows up in multiple areas of your life.

  • Identify possibilities that were previously hidden.

  • Define the actions and competencies that will address the deep nature of the problem and turn possibilities into realities.

  • Identify the support you need and where and from whom you can obtain it.

Depth Coaching fees are payable in advance of each session.

Focused Coaching Session

30 minutes


Focused Coaching sessions offer you opportunities to understand and solve the problem you bring to coaching by focusing on one or two aspects of the problem in each session, such as:

  • Your understanding of the problem and its causes

  • The possibilities for action and change that the problem presents

  • The competencies you need to take action to yield the changes you seek

  • The support you need to make change possible

Focused Coaching fees are payable in advance of each session. 

Power Coaching Session

90 minutes


In a minimum of 90 minutes, we focus on a single major issue. We work through the underlying issues and patterns, and co-create a set of responses and tools that address the issue. The aim of this session is to equip you to implement change independently & sustainably after the session.

Power Coaching fees are payable in advance of each session.

*You are welcome to request a longer session, which will be billed at a rate that is proportionate to the amount of time requested.

Coaching Programmes Package

8 x 60-minute sessions


The Coaching Programmes Package is suitable for any of the following coaching programmes:

Life Crisis Coaching

Career Coaching

Building Psychological Safety

Design Your Future

The package includes:

  • 8 x 60-minute online coaching sessions

  • The Programme Workbook

  • Psychometric assessments (where relevant)

  • WhatsApp support for 2 months after completion

Coaching Programmes Packages are valid for 6 months.

Coaching Bundles Package

8 x 30-minute sessions OR

5 x 60-minute sessions


The Coaching Bundles Package is suitable for any coaching topic. It is typically selected by clients who: 

  • Want to explore a challenge that is not covered by the Life Crisis, Career Growth or Design Your Future Programmes

  • Have had an introductory session in which we have defined the scope of their customised coaching programme

The Coaching Bundles Package includes:

  • 5 x 60-minute or 8 x 30-minute online sessions

  • Customised frameworks and practices

  • WhatsApp support for 2 months after completion

Coaching Bundles Packages are valid for 6 months.

Power Coaching Package

3 x 90-minute sessions


The Power Coaching Package is suitable for any coaching topic. It is typically selected by clients who want to engage with a specific topic, and move to action quickly.

The Power Coaching Package includes:

  • 3 x 90-minute online sessions

  • Customised frameworks and practices

  • WhatsApp support for 1 month after completion

Power Coaching Packages are valid for 3 months.

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