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 A life crisis is an event or a period in our lives that affects us deeply and calls into question the life we have been living.

Life Crisis Coaching applies the principles and practices of Integral Coaching to help you respond effectively to a life crisis and create expanded meaning and purpose.

Ocean Rocks


If you've landed here, you are probably experiencing a significant or disruptive moment in your life. Or you might want to make a major change in how you live your life.  In either case, your life crisis is likely related to one or more of the following factors:

  • A significant and shocking event, such as a divorce, death or retrenchment

  • A transition from one stage of life to another, such as from mid- to later life

  • A need to overcome burnout and reinvigorate your life with purpose and meaning


If you're experiencing a significant life crisis, then you are probably also experiencing one or more of these impacts:

  • Thinking: What is happening in your life might suddenly be different from how you had imagined your life would always be. You might feel confused, or struggle to conceptualise how to resolve the challenges you are experiencing. You might worry constantly.

  • Emotional: Your usual good or even mood has possibly quickly plummeted into uncertainty, doubt and feelings of overwhelm. You might be feeling fearful, anxious, frustrated and insecure.

  • Physical: You might also  be experiencing physical symptoms that are a result of immense stress, such as headaches, insomnia, heart palpitations, or low energy.

  • Relationships: You might be struggling to find the necessary support in your existing relationships. Or your life crisis might have resulted in the loss of important relationships or be the result of the end of a primary relationship.

  • Work/Vocation: You might be struggling to find work or manage the workload you have as you are experiencing burnout. Or the work you have been doing no longer provides the satisfaction it did in the past.  You are seeking a new role or a vocation that will yield fulfilment, or you need to find ways to overcome your low motivation.


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Life Crisis Coaching helps you deal effectively with life crises by:

  • Exploring the causes and impacts of the crisis

  • Discovering possibilities and opportunities

  • Taking action to leverage opportunities and overcome obstacles

  • Building the competencies you need to sustain positive responses

  • Growing your support systems and capacity to support yourself

  • Equipping you to sustain solutions beyond the coaching programme

I offer Life Crisis Coaching online via Zoom / MsTeams / Google Meet or in-person in Cape Town. If you are experiencing a life crisis, or wish to make a significant change in your life, then read more about the Life Crisis Coaching Programme below. Alternatively, let's set up a conversation to explore how I can help you.


The Life Crisis Coaching Programme offers you the opportunity to explore your life crisis and create a new story that is grounded in a deep awareness of the crisis and its impact on you, your relationships and your work/vocation. You will emerge with an expanded capacity to take control of and heal your life in the present, and respond to future challenges with deepened self-awareness, compassion, competence and resilience.

Session 1: Explore the Crisis

The Causes & Impacts of the Crisis

Session 2: Create a New Story

Self, Relationships, & Work / Vocation

Session 3: Support Yourself

Mind, Emotions, Embodied Action & Spirit

Session 4: Grow Your Relationships

Navigate Challenges & Develop Support Systems

Session 5: Build Your Work/Vocation 1

Align What You Do & What You Need

Session 6: Build Your Work/Vocation 2

Grow What You Do

Session 7: Key Practices for Life Health

Refine Your Life Practices

Session 8: The Future

Take Control through Ongoing Renewal

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